12th March 2017

CHS Group – 90 Years of helping

CHS was founded in 1927 in response to a desperate need for affordable homes in Cambridge.

Alarmed by the squalid housing conditions many of the town’s poorest families lived in and the growing council waiting lists following the First World War, members of the United Council of Christian Witness decided to form a Housing Society. Their rallying cry was to provide ‘homes fit to live, within the reach of the lowest wage earner’ and throughout its lifetime, CHS has tried to live up to this aim.

Today CHS Group is celebrating 90 years of helping people. The 7,000 people living their affordable homes. The 2,000 people who choose to rely on their care, support and community investment services. And the CHS team of 400 people listening to customers and making sure they deliver the high quality services they want.

To learn more about the CHS Group please visit: https://www.chsgroup.org.uk/

CHS Group – 90 Years of helping

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