3rd September 2017

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

New technologies are making huge steps forward, enabling machines to be adaptable and treat plants at an individual level by recognising shapes and texture.

From counting apples and estimating yields to identifying weeds in crops, machines are getting smarter.

Smarter means taking care of plants individually – weeding, spraying and thinning. Or identifying fruit – not just counting them but providing yield and size estimates. But, what’s missing is the ability for machines to discern plant health, or spot weeds in amongst a crop. Artificial Intelligence is about to change this – machines can now be trained to recognise shapes and textures.

AI is making new means of farming possible – not just the machines but the ways in which farming is done. So the question isn’t ‘how will AI affect your business’ – it’s ‘how could AI improve your business?’

To find out more please visit: https://www.cambridgeconsultants.com/insights/video-ai-and-future-agriculture

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
Cambridge Filmworks
Cambridge Video Production

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